Add a Custom Fabric Label Window to Just About Anything!
The gnomes responsible for cleaning-up around here all really appreciate labels! For some reason, even when everyone knows the rightful home of various household items, things have a much higher likelihood of ending up in their homes, if a label is involved. Thus, freeing up more time for the clean-up gnomes! As I double as a clean-up gnome, I am particularly fond of these handy little devices. The best kind of labels are those that can be changed at will, with little hassle. This makes chalkboards really high on my list of awesome decorating tools, but the clean lines of label windows are right up there!
Here are some label windows, hard at work, in the "mud room" portion of the new laundry room remodel.
You won't be hard pressed to find all sorts of baskets, folders and various other organizers adorned with these household helpers, but what about adding them to your own projects, or items you already have? Here is a quick (honest, they really don't take long, the tutorial is just very thorough to account for various skill/experience levels), easy way to make label windows with items you probably already have in your home.
These windows were custom made for the little bear's new backpack. We wanted a way to minimize the bulk of his preschool pack, while increasing the functionality... this is code for "make sure nothing gets lost on the way to teacher/show and tell or back home again." Enter Naptime Gnome with one-of-a kind "folder pack," complete with labelled pockets.
So grab a cup of your favorite warm and snugly beverage and join us for some label making!
DIY Label Windows
Crafty Gnomes: 2, for minimal sewing skill
(See the Crafty Gnome Key Below)
Note: If you don't have a machine,
you could definitely glue them
using fabric glue or fusible tape.
Supplies and Tools
- Old jeans or other denim/stiff canvas material (cut-off legs from shorts, or old bits of canvas drop-cloth are great)
- Fabric to cover (here I used a felt backed vinyl tablecloth)
- Coordinating thread
- Scissors
- Ruler
- Straight pins
- Paper for labels
- Printer for printing labels (if your handwriting looks anything like mine!:) Optional
Making the Denim Form
Preparing the Cover Fabric
5. Mark the approximate center and inner corners with small dots. These will be your guides for cutting the inner portion of your cover fabric to make the "window." I used dry-erase marker on this vinyl. You can use a pattern marker/pencil or a sliver of soap if using a darker fabric.
7. Insert the scissors halfway down the diagonal slit and cut to the remaining dots on either side, making an "X." NOTE: DO NOT CUT BEYOND THE MARK. If you cut too far, the frame will be exposed underneath. You can always snip a bit more if you need to, but "you may never come back" (and if you didn't hear that ethereal echo in the background, you may have to rent the movie "All Dogs Go to Heaven."
Wrapping the Denim Form
9. Pull the triangular cut flaps up and outward to wrap the inner perimeter of the frame. Pin and repeat with each triangular flap. Flip over and inspect the corners, if the frame is fairly well covered... GREAT JOB! If any flaps look a bit loose, or the inner edges look uneven, one at a time, unpin the offending flaps, reposition, pin and continue.

THEN, doing the bottom and top, being careful to keep the folds tucked in. The next few steps outline this technique more clearly. So if you have clean corners, just skip to step 12.

11a. Fold the bottom (or top if you desire) flap, by first pinching the fold so the fabric doesn't slide diagonally, then fold it directly up (or down if doing the top).

Stitch Into Place
Attach to Desired Object
NOTE: If gluing, be careful to use just a very thin line of glue along the VERY outer edge, so you will leave space for your label cards. If gluing to fabric, fabric glue, or fusing tape (if your fabric can be ironed) are probably your best bets, but you may want to use something a bit more substantial if you are gluing to paper, wood, plastic or metal. I've never had much luck with fabric glue bonding to anything but fabric, and of course, me. I'm a fan of the newer white and yellow glues: Titebond, Elmer's Glue-All, and Liquid Nails (though this may be overkill! :) always seem to get the job done. Stay away from Gorilla Glue or Super/Krazy Glue for this, as they tend to misbehave a bit with fabric, plus they make a big fat mess.
Design Designer Labels
14. Your labels should be slightly smaller than the space within your outer stitching perimeter, but bigger than the window so they don't jump out. I've found a light cardstock or even printable business cards seem to stay put the best. Measure and establish your desired label size, about 1/4" narrower and about a 1/4" shorter than the outer stitched edge should do the trick.
15. You can hand write the labels and be done (YAY!), or you can print them using a word-processing or image creator/editor program.
16. Cut your labels to fit, slide in, stuff your box, basket, or other receptacle with ONLY what is printed on it. Harass mercilessly, any individual that does otherwise... or simply reorganize their sock drawer...
The Naptime Gnome
Crafty Gnome Key:
1 Crafty Gnome = Simple cutting, gluing, tracing, and/or painting, etc.
2 Crafty Gnomes = Any of the above, plus the use of a few tools, and may involve a sewing machine for some simple seams... nothing crazy.
3 Crafty Gnomes = Could require some practice with any of the above items, and/or could involve power tools (you'll meet Burly Gnome soon enough)
4 Crafty Gnomes = Includes most or all of the above... A bear of a project or requires a bit of help.
5 Crafty Gnomes = Perhaps a bit sorry I attempted it.
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